"ProKalc" Site Registration Form Version 6.3 Return to: Harold Schwartz P.O. Box 104482 Jefferson City, MO 65110 NAME__________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ZIP_____________________ All single copies of ProKalc registered in individual names are priced at $16.00 U.S. per copy. Include $3.00 shipping/handling per order. Site registration of the ProKalc program is available under the following terms (for site registration all copies are registered under a single "site" name): 1 copy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16.00 10 User Site License. . . . . . . . . . . $ 80.00 Unlimited Site License. . . . . . . . . . $150.00 Each individual registered under a site license is also registered to use one(1) copy of the site-registered version on a personal home computer. Indicate registration name for each copy of ProKalc ordered: (40 characters maximum, including spaces) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY __________________________________________________________________ TERMS: All payments must be in U.S. funds. Check or Money Order accept- able. Personal checks may be subject to bank clearance before shipment. Where did you get "ProKalc"_________________________________________ FOR SECURE CREDIT CARD ORDERS AND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, VISIT THE ShowMe Software WEB SITE AT: http://members.sockets.net/~schwartz